Horse Trailer Roadside Assistance: What You Need to Know

Horse trailer roadside assistance is a service that provides help to horse owners who encounter a breakdown or an accident while traveling with their horse trailer. It covers not only the vehicle and the trailer, but also the horses on board, ensuring their safety and comfort.

Depending on the plan, horse trailer roadside assistance may include towing, repairs, fuel delivery, lockout service, emergency stabling, veterinary and farrier referrals, and more. It is different from typical motor plans, which may not cover trailers or horses, and may not have the expertise or equipment to handle equine emergencies.

Horse trailer roadside assistance is designed to give horse owners peace of mind when they travel with their horses.

Check out our complete guide to horse trailer coverage.

Why should you have a horse trailer roadside assistance?

You should have a horse trailer roadside assistance because it can provide you with specialized and comprehensive help in case of a breakdown or an accident while traveling with your horse trailer. Unlike regular roadside assistance plans, horse trailer roadside assistance covers not only the vehicle and the trailer, but also the horses on board, ensuring their safety and comfort.

It can also offer you additional benefits such as veterinary and farrier referrals, emergency stabling, and reimbursement for veterinary care. Horse trailer roadside assistance is designed to give you peace of mind when you travel with your horses.

Image Source : DeviantArt

What is the average cost for a horse trailer roadside assistance?

The cost of horse trailer roadside assistance may vary depending on the provider, the plan, and the coverage. The annual membership fee can range from $110 to $390. Some of the factors that may affect the cost are:

  • The type and size of the vehicle and the trailer
  • The number and breed of the horses on board
  • The distance and frequency of travel
  • The level of service and benefits offered

Horse trailer roadside assistance can provide you with specialized and comprehensive help in case of a breakdown or an accident while traveling with your horse trailer. It can also offer you additional benefits such as veterinary and farrier referrals, emergency stabling, and reimbursement for veterinary care. Horse trailer roadside assistance is designed to give you peace of mind when you travel with your horses.

What is the difference between a basic and premium plan?

The difference between a basic and premium plan for horse trailer roadside assistance depends on the provider and the coverage. According to some web sources, some of the main differences are:

  • The distance of towing for the vehicle and the trailer: Basic plans may cover towing up to five miles, while premium plans may cover towing up to 100 miles.
  • The amount of roadside service and winch out service: Basic plans may offer up to $100 per incident, while premium plans may offer up to $400 per incident.
  • The benefits for the horses on board: Basic plans may provide emergency stabling and veterinary referrals, while premium plans may also provide farrier referrals and reimbursement for veterinary care.

Horse trailer roadside assistance is a service that provides help to horse owners who encounter a breakdown or an accident while traveling with their horse trailer. It covers not only the vehicle and the trailer, but also the horses on board, ensuring their safety and comfort. It is different from typical motor plans, which may not cover trailers or horses, and may not have the expertise or equipment to handle equine emergencies. Horse trailer roadside assistance is designed to give horse owners peace of mind when they travel with their horses.

How to file a claim for horse trailer roadside assistance?

The process of filing a claim for horse trailer roadside assistance may vary depending on the provider and the plan you have. Generally, you need to follow these steps:

  • Call the roadside assistance number provided by your insurance company or service provider as soon as possible after the breakdown or accident. They may ask you some questions about your location, the issue, and your vehicle and trailer details.
  • Follow their instructions on how to get help. They may send a service response vehicle to your location or direct you to the nearest authorized repair shop. They may also arrange for emergency stabling or veterinary care for your horses if needed.
  • Keep your receipts and documents related to the incident. You may need to submit them to your insurance company or service provider for reimbursement or coverage. Some providers may offer online or mobile claim filing options for your convenience.
Image Source: Flickr

How do I choose a good horse trailer roadside assistance program for me?

Choosing a good horse trailer roadside assistance program for you depends on your needs, preferences, and budget. Some of the factors you may want to consider are:

  • The type and size of your vehicle and trailer. You want a program that can handle your specific vehicle and trailer combination and provide adequate towing and repair services for them.
  • The number and breed of your horses. You want a program that can accommodate your horses on board, and provide emergency stabling, veterinary, and farrier services if needed.
  • The distance and frequency of your travel. You want a program that can cover your travel routes and destinations and offer unlimited or sufficient service calls and mileage for towing.
  • The level of service and benefits offered. You want a program that can provide you with fast, reliable, and specialized assistance, and offer additional benefits such as discounts, insurance, and travel information.

What are some common mistakes to avoid when choosing a horse trailer roadside assistance program?

Some common mistakes to avoid when choosing a horse trailer roadside assistance program are:

  • Not checking the coverage of the program. Some programs may not cover your specific vehicle, trailer, or horses, or may have limits on the service calls, mileage, or benefits. You should read the terms and conditions carefully and compare different programs to find the best one for your needs.
  • Not checking the reputation of the program. Some programs may have poor customer service, slow response time, or hidden fees. You should look for reviews, ratings, and testimonials from other horse owners who have used the program and see how they rate their experience.
  • Not checking the maintenance of your trailer. Even if you have a good roadside assistance program, you should still keep your trailer in good condition and prevent breakdowns or accidents. You should inspect your trailer regularly and fix any issues that may compromise its safety or performance.
  • Not checking the emergency kit in your trailer. You should always have an emergency kit in your trailer that contains essential items such as roadside triangles, tow strap, jumper cables, flashlight, duct tape, first aid kits, water containers, and extra halters and lead ropes. These items can help you deal with minor problems or emergencies until help arrives.

Some companies providing horse trailer roadside assistance

There are many providers and organizations that offer horse trailer roadside assistance. Some of them are:

  • TrailGuard: A program that provides 24/7 assistance, emergency stabling and veterinary care, and reimbursement for veterinary care. The annual membership fee is $390.
  • USRider: A program that provides 24/7 assistance, towing up to 100 miles, emergency stabling, veterinary and farrier referrals, and insurance products. The annual membership fee ranges from $189 to $359.
  • Better World Club: A program that provides 24/7 assistance, towing up to 100 miles, emergency stabling and veterinary referrals, and eco-friendly benefits.