Must have apps for horse lesson scheduling

Equine business owners always struggle to find a right scheduling system for their horses. Planning and organizing horse riding lessons and other equine activities constitute a very critical part in equine business. But a horse lesson scheduling does more than this. Assigning instructors, students, horses as well as managing payments and other finances, it does a lot of things!

Given the critical tasks a horse lesson scheduling does, we have to certainly see and look where we can find the best platforms to do this job. Although it can be done using digital calendars, or paper , but why don’t use apps when they are available. There are some good platforms where we can certainly to this task. Let’s do a comparison among some of the apps that are in the market today, and try to look at their pros and cons.

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Equine Office

Equine Office has its own cloud storage system which is perfect for riding schools, trainers and barn managers too. So basically you can have everything on a dashboard on the cloud. You can schedule lessons along with appointments and assign to them students, horses, trainers etc.

This is how the dashboard of Equine Office looks like. You can see the sidebar: There are various options- reports, calendar, students, whiteboard, horses etc. From this single dashboard, you can manage it all with just few clicks of a button.

Features of Equine Office

Student Lesson Notes

It gives you the liberty of assigning lesson notes for yourself or other staff members. You do have the choice to make note public and notify that student.

Horse Notes

On the Horse page on dashboard, you can leave notes for the trainer and barn managers. And this note can consist of anything- be it behavioral or some other aspect.

Track Makeup Lessons

You can schedule a makeup lesson right from the dashboard. When a student cancels a lesson, you can record if he/she is awarded a makeup lesson.

Horse Workload Tracking

You can track which horse is working hard, too hard and which one is chilling and basking in the sun!! The app shows how many lessons the horses are doing per day along with the type of lessons. It also shows the off days for horses.

Assign Horses to Students

You can assign horses depending upon the availability of students and horses. Instructor can assign a lesson for horses and then to the students.

Other features are attendance reports, schedule view of instructor, lesson location assignment

You can try a 14 days demo here

Barn Manager

It is another app that helps pretty well in a horse lessons scheduling. Some of the features are-

Shared Scheduling

The calendar is synchronized, and reminder is put on for the future events. There are notifications for event updates and much more.

Organized Record Keeping

You can transfer papers and binders to digital records using their app. Search, sort and filter to instantly access the right records whenever you need them.

Lists and Reports

With just few clicks you can create , store and share check lists and table lists. Create feed lists, packing as well as farrier lists and more.

Schedule Appointments with Multiple Vendors

Access your Account from Anywhere and Any Device

If you try out one of their demo class , just click this link and see for yourself

Jack Rabbit Class

For more than a decade, Jackrabbit class has been in the class management software domain and has more than 4500 clients globally. You can do online registration, there is a parent portal as well as billing and payments processing. It gives you the option of sending notifications and messages to your horse riding lesson students and their parents too via a text message. The mobile app makes it possible to have push notifications as well.

You can take a demo class here


Roverd is a cloud-based reservation software that helps sell more lessons for your horse-riding business. The software allows customers to schedule time slots for lessons directly on the website. They just need to choose a time slot and day and the rest is taken care by the owner just by facilitating bookings. 

Other features in their reservation software are-

Manage No-Shows

Offering Multi Day Activities

Advance Class Scheduling

Accept Multiple Payment Options

Get started here with Roverd

These were some of the apps that we found are pretty good at scheduling horseback riding lessons scheduling. Though there are other apps as well which you can find.